Saturday, March 5, 2016

Paul - The European(Cilicia in Turkey)

Paul was a Jew by birth and a Roman by citizenship. Hence, also a European.

"... I am a Jew, of Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city..." (Acts 21:39;Acts 20:27-28). 


Paul the Great Apostle of Jesus Christ came head on with a Cyclone close to being a Hurricane known as Euroclydon on his way to Greece. The Eurocydon is also known as Euraquilo

If you like to learn a little about the dynamics that occurs with Sailors and their ships when caught in a Cyclone read Acts chapter 27. 

See what a Cyclone looks like below. Had the sailors listened to Paul they would not have been caught in the Euraquilo cyclone.


Below is what their ship ,which borne 276 passengers, must have looked like inside the Cyclone.


But the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ saved him and all 276 passengers from the horrible shipwreck that got them onto the island of Malta. 

